EV Charging Project Management: Top Strategies for Faster Deployment and Growth

EV charging infrastructure demands are not slowing down. As nations across the globe work to electrify transportation, businesses are pushing harder to deploy the infrastructure necessary to support millions of new, electric vehicles now on the road.

We wanted to understand the challenges and goals the industry is facing. So we surveyed over 75 executives who work throughout the EV Charging industry to better understand what’s on their minds when it comes to managing their growing portfolio of projects. Those findings formed our “EV Charging Project Management Strategies” report, providing a must-read guide for leaders looking to succeed in the EV charging market.

What We Learned

We Have to Get Away from Spreadsheets

Faster time to project completion was the top growth initiative on the mind of the majority of our survey respondents with over 63% choosing that over other initiatives like portfolio growth or soft cost reductions. EV charging executives want to get work done faster. Yet, we also found a similar majority of them, 53%, are still using Spreadsheets to manage their portfolio of projects and sites.

While many of that majority use those Spreadsheets in combination with other tools, the numbers were still surprising. This is a major area for improvement, and a relatively easy one at that. Intelligent, purpose-built software solutions enable speed and scale, allowing businesses to complete EV charging work quickly while still growing their project portfolios.

Partners are Critical

Our research also helped us understand the top challenge that 43% of EV charging executives face: collaborating with and managing vendors and contractors. As work continues to increase and labor availability stagnates, businesses are realizing that they need additional resources to get work done on-time and on-budget. Navigating those new relationships is difficult though, particularly when both timeliness and quality are top of mind. Tools that can centralize communication between multiple vendors and contractors and streamline shared processes are key to success now more than ever. 

What’s Most Important?

Above all else, we found that the most important factor in considering new tools for managing EV charging work was the need for real-time data availability and a single source of truth. The reason? Executives want scalability for supporting future growth. EV charging companies are looking to build more today, tomorrow, and far into the future.

To do that requires tools that allow their teams to make quick decisions, stay ahead of issues, and easily access data no matter where they are. That’s where dynamic, purpose-built platform tools come in. The right tools centralize data in real time, allowing everyone from the field to the office to input critical information. They also give stakeholders across the organization the power to access that data in just a few clicks. To scale faster and more effectively, these tools are more essential now than ever before. 

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The Takeaway

Our survey insights make it abundantly clear: EV charging project management tools have to be better in order to keep moving the massive infrastructure needs of electrified mobility forward. EV charging executives and leaders see the need for better tools that streamline their projects and deliver instant access to important data so they can make the right decisions for their businesses and move faster. 

For EV charging leaders looking to stay ahead of demand and continue growing, these insights are huge. If you’d like to learn more, download the full report and view our detailed infographic to gain a better understanding of the current project management landscape in EV charging and how more modern, purpose-built tools can make you successful. 

Download the full report and start planning your new approach to EV charging project management today so your team will have the tools to lead the EV revolution forward towards a more sustainable future.